Join Granta Chorale
Are you a talented singer looking for a new choir or a young person looking to get some more experience with choral singing? We're an ambitious chamber choir who work together to explore interesting music, grow our musical skills and put on enjoyable performances. Our rehearsals have a friendly and supportive atmosphere, with a focus on interpretation, ensemble skills and singing technique. When it comes to learning music, we like to hit the ground running, so we're after singers who have good sight-reading skills or who are happy to familiarise themselves with the notes on their own time.
Auditions are currently open to singers from all voice parts - however we are looking in particular to fill vacancies in our soprano and bass sections.
We enjoy performing a wide variety of repertoire with a focus on unusual, new or challenging music (often all three!). We regularly perform new commissions - many of which are written by our musical director, and award-winning composer, Janet Wheeler, as well as local composer Sarah Cattley.
We rehearse on Wednesday evenings 7.30-9.30pm during term time in Saffron Walden, a market town 15 miles south of Cambridge and 12 miles north of Bishop's Stortford. We perform 4-5 concerts per year in Cambridge, Saffron Walden, and the surrounding areas. We host 'singing days' roughly once a year, which are a great opportunity to tackle new repertoire, spend time together and eat lots of cake. Singers pay subscriptions which normally amount to £30-40 per concert. We do not want subscriptions to be a barrier to participation, and are always open to conversations about manageable adjustments to subs.
How to audition
If you're interested in joining us, please get in touch and tell us your voice part and a bit about your musical experience. We will then arrange a short, informal audition with our musical director, Janet, who will go through some range exercises and sight-reading, plus a sing through of your chosen piece. We try hard to make this audition as un-intimidating as possible as we want to give everyone a chance to shine. We would also encourage you to try the choir out for yourself by attending a rehearsal as a one-off to see whether we would be a good fit for you.
Please email info@grantachorale.org.uk or use our online contact form below
Welcoming young singers
Granta are delighted to welcome enthusiastic young singers in Year 11, 12 and 13 to come and sing with us. We do not expect young singers to pay subscriptions (you are welcome to participate for free), nor do we expect you to do a formal audition - instead you are encouraged join us for a rehearsal or two to see what you think and do a short vocal tryout with Janet. We appreciate that Y11-13 students have lots of demands on their time, so we aim to be flexible to allow you to sing with us alongside your studies and other extra-curriculars.
If you are interested in getting some experience singing with an adult chamber choir, we would love to hear from you. Please get in contact with us on info@grantachorale.org.uk to arrange to try a rehearsal with us - making sure to include your parents' email if you're under 18 so we can sort any necessary safeguarding arrangements. You can read our Safeguarding Policy here.